Arbofit, Arbovita

Organic-certified products from organic chokeberry, grown on family farm Bogadi Ivica Mikleuš.

The juice is made from organical grown Aronia berries from the slopes of Papuk, there are no additions of water and sugar /
Manufacturer: OPG BOGADI, Matije Gupca 102, 33517 Mikleuš, Croatia, Europe.
Storage conditions: Store in a dark and cool place.
Notes: Consume up to 1 dl per day (0.5-0.5 after the morning’s most abundant meal or evening).
Country of origin: Croatia. Code number: HR-ECO-01
arbovita eco parent aronia juice OPG bogadi protect pharma

Chokeberry powder is extremely fine granulation and was obtained from dehydrated berries chokeberry. When processing temperature does not exceed 35°C which are preserved all the nutritional value of products. Does not contain flavorings, sweeteners, colorings or preservatives. It is designed for all ages and you can add it in the muesli, shakes, tea, honey, yogurt, kefir, and it can be used as a colorant in cakes.
The neto amount of 200 grams (20 x 10g).
Placed on the market: OPG BOGADI, Matije Gupca 102, 33517 Mikleuš, Croatia.
Country of origin: Croatia. Code number: HR-EKO-01
Storage conditions: Store in a cool, dry place.
Processed and packed: Protect Pharma Ltd.
arbofit eko prah aronija opg bogadi protect pharma